Tuesday 3 June 2014

Making More: Development Sessions

For the last two sessions onboard LV21, we have been working on building the quality of making and getting ourselves ready to sell the work in a local museum (more on that soon). The cohort has also been identifying the areas they enjoy working in the most. It's been interesting to see that most have chosen one or two specific area to focus on, some button brooches and working with the leather cord, while others prefer working in the felt or textile yarns. Each maker is developing their own ways of working with variations and ideas for one off works and multiples that we can make more affordable for our customers. We are anticipating the project will extend longer than the duration of the commission which is a brilliant outcome.

It has been so enjoyable to see the group build skill and confidence in their making. They have been up for learning anything and are always willing to share ideas with each other. It's not easy learning new techniques and even if you have some experience, it's still a challenge to learn processes that are very precise and structured, working towards making a perfect product that will be ready to sell. It takes time and dedication to get good at anything in life, so it has been amazing to see the core group of makers who have come to every session and then practised at home getting better and better, week by week.

We have seen a few new faces at the last couple of sessions with the more experienced LV21 makers being able to share their skills and help to train up potential new makers for the 'Making More' group.

The next stage of the project will be two GoSee days where our group will visit our sister project group in Hampshire, who are working with Stella Harding on a basketry project. Then Stella's group will also visit us onboard the ship and we will show them our work. I am really looking forward to the visits as it will be a chance to share the skills both groups have learnt and developed.

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